This is my very last post for this year. Yup, definitely it is without any doubt. My inspiration in this year towards every thing has ended, and the new me will be out next right to you, soon. New year isn't mean im going to be someone else, but the old me with new variation in good ways. I know im not that good compared to you, even worst as a friend to be proud of, my bad :'( What ever happened in this year ( 2011 ), let it be history, because we have tomorrow waiting to get through.
As a human being, we want to have a happy life, right ? What makes a happy life ? No one can concur to a single definition as each has their own opinions and ideas to what happiness means. One man's idea of a happy life may vastly differ from others and yet a third man's opinion may not be acceptable to the first two men.
The fact is, happiness is a state of mind of an individual. Different people feel happiness under different condition and everyone has their own personal philosophy in the pursuit of happiness. There are those who believe that the hunt of material wealth and the pleasures would only bring about misery and suffering, while others believe that true happiness can only be found they have achieved material success.
How then can one lead a happy life? It is quite simple, really. While we cannot change the circumstances and situations which make us dissatisfied with life, we also know that the happiness is, after all, just a state of mind, and it can be changed. A person can only be happy when he knows how to be happy. It is all in the mind, really ! ! ! So do i :)
So im done here, with my last entry this year. If im doing something that hurts your heart on purpose or not, Indeed im really sorry. PEN OFF all. see ya with new entries next year.
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 30, 2011
NEW YEAR RESOLUTION ? Kenapa semua orang tergile-gile nk buat new resolution ? Cube kita tengok balik, azam tahun ni dah tercapai tak ? hurm ==' jangan hanya memandang masa depan, tp kena jgk la tgk mase lampau kite, adakah kite benar-benar bersungguh utk dptkan sesuatu kita azamkan ? dan adakah kita mampu lakukan yg terbaik utk mase depan dengan azam yang baru dan lebih mencabar utk kite dapat ? Ce fikir jap -.-
hahaa, ayat tu yaAllah, over nak mampus. Jgn nak ckp orglah FIRDAUS oii. Ang pon tak mampu nk dapatkan semua yg kau azamkan. Hahaa, takpe-takpe aku punya azam tahun depan nak merealisasikan azam tahun ni yang aku tak capai lagi. Ye ke tak tercapai ? Ade jee yang tercapai kot. Hish, ape lahh..
Januari 2011
hurm, ape erk yang jadik time tu. Ouh yee, aku dpt kerja !! YaAllah seronoknyer aku. For the first time in my life time, aku kerja. Kat TGV lagik tuu. *tanjung golden village. As known as wayang daa. ye yee, the memories still fresh in my mind. Tak sangke kan, dah setahun berlalu sedangkan aku rase macam baru jee aku berhenti kerja kat sana.
Februari 2011
Hurm, hari yang mendebaukan jiwe dan rageku. Hari ujian JPJ. Ketaq kaki kot. ' Pakcik oii, jgn garang-garang yee ngan saye ' Ngee. sebab member aku ckp tige kali fail sbb pakcik tu garang. Even sekarang dah jd RACER kot. cume fail 3 kali la JPJ. *ngee, jgn marah yee. Dan akhirnya aku bawak kereta kancil tu dengan skemanya atas jln raye tpi lulus dengan cemerlang lagik tuu, pehh, SUMPAH skema dow. Seriously, aku lalu balik jalan yg aku bawak gear 2 time JPJ test tu, ak kena bawak dalam 60-80 km/j kot. Gear 3-4 laa. giler laa, Skema giler.
March 2011
Hurm, ape yang jadik erk. oh yee, SPM result, yaAllah walaupun tak percaya aku dapat banyak tu jee, tp Alhamdulillah, aku bersyukur. Alhamdulillah sangat-sangat. Walaupun maybe aku target straight A's, tp dah takde rezeki sbb slack kat subject yang ak mmg BENCI. hurm, redha saje laa. Ouh yee, baru teringat time ni laa aku dapat imbuhan dari penat lelah aku bekerja, almost rm1300, and then berhenti kerja.
April 2011
Ye aku sangat ingat dan tak mungkin lupe time ni. Aku ingat lagi tarikh tu 15 April - 23 April 2011. Aku pergi UPNM punya interview. Room mates aku semuanya adalah antara kenangan manis aku. Pehh, seriously aku sangat berbangge dpt g interview tu, dan juga ada member baik sgt kat sane tuu. Sampai sekarang aku baik dengan dierg tuu laa.
Mei 2011
Hari jadi aku. ye yee, dah masuk 18 tahun. Ingat lagi time tu aku keluar dengan afif, Mariam dan Athirah tengok wayang, sempena hari jadi aku. Over pulak kan. Time tu Mariam nasihat aku utk g recheck SPM. Tahniah la mariam dpt MARA's scholar, tak lame lg dpt la g luar negara, even mmg dah banyak kali g luar negara kan. hee. Akhir bulan daftar kat matrik. Hurm.
June 2011
Sebulan tak balik rumah. Duit elaun tak masuk sebulan tu. Abah balik scotland and nak Call dia tak boleh, cume beberape kali jee dia Call. Rase time tu memang papa kedana gile laa. Sebab mmg tak de duit.
Julai 2011
Elaun masuk segedebuk untuk dua bulan, Kaye balik. Ngee. Pergi melaka dengan mama, angah, ayong dan adam, Uteh dan dilah, termasuklah acik. Family gathering kat sane. Abah balik and then bagi mini laptop ( notebook ) and siap pakse bawak lagi tuu.. Huhh. Dah berani ponteng lecture.
Ogos 2011
UPS time bulan puasa. Cuti mid sem campur sekali dengan cuti raye. hahaa. lame kot. Beraya kat Gombak, Abang Zul punye turn kat sni thn ni ( abg ipar aku daa ) huhuu..
September 2011
A new achivement, dapat result UPS. Agak membanggakan laa. Sungguh tidak percaya, even hari-hari bukak laptop time tu. Dengan broadband nya lagi tuu. huhuu..
Oktober 2011
Ni antara paling lame tak balik. Alhamdulillah, time start mid of september, aku start pergi masjid, aku tak tahu kenapa, tp aku bersyukur sangat. Aku rase jatuh cinta kat masjid. Tak pergi rase lain macam pulak. PSPM 1 berjalan lancar.
November 2011
Huhuuu, Cuti Sem 1, dua minggu. and dalam dua minggu tu macam-macam jadik. Cuti sane sini yang paling terbest tahun ni laa. And then, demam sane sini. Shopping sane sini. Habis duit macam tu jee. And tibe mase nak balik matrik. ngee, malas. MUET main bedal jee buat.
Disember 2011
sekarang laa. Aku sangat bangge dengan ape yang aku buat tahun ni. Dapat result PSPM 1 dengan mencapai target aku. Aku tunaikan segala ape yang aku janjikan bile aku dpt capai target. Huhuu, aku suke sangat hidup ni. Tapi jgn la sampai lupe akhirat bile dah seronok nii. Alhamdulillah. Semua yang aku dapat dari rezeki Allah, aku bersyukur. Tahun depan, ye yee. tahun depan mesti di teruskan lagi walaupun banyak juga pahit getir hidup selama ini. Melainkan Allah tarik nyawa aku malam ini. Aku terime jee :)
hahaa. Today, mostly my friends were going back home. As starting tomorrow, we are going to holiday in about 3days until monday. Its such an honour be here all alone. Well, for everyday, ive been forced to hear all sorts of sounds produced by all the members in this 'Kolej Kediaman' no matter what floor they are. Especially during the ' maghrib ' time. Since i will take a bath around 6.30 pm, the ' players ' are just having their steps in the kolej kediaman. And I was like ? grrr, each time im out from the toilet, surely there will be plenty of smelly smells. Since then, i'll make sure after arriving to hostel, i will go for bathing, instead of having bath at 6.30pm. And today, how on earth, i could go and have shower about 15 minutes without any of knocking doors heard. Wow, and yet, I went to the mosque peacefully. Which usually i'll be looking at the field, and i will talk to my self ' Are they deaf, the azzan has been utteranced, and they still like, wow, having a great time there. #mulut jahat
hahaa. Today, mostly my friends were going back home. As starting tomorrow, we are going to holiday in about 3days until monday. Its such an honour be here all alone. Well, for everyday, ive been forced to hear all sorts of sounds produced by all the members in this 'Kolej Kediaman' no matter what floor they are. Especially during the ' maghrib ' time. Since i will take a bath around 6.30 pm, the ' players ' are just having their steps in the kolej kediaman. And I was like ? grrr, each time im out from the toilet, surely there will be plenty of smelly smells. Since then, i'll make sure after arriving to hostel, i will go for bathing, instead of having bath at 6.30pm. And today, how on earth, i could go and have shower about 15 minutes without any of knocking doors heard. Wow, and yet, I went to the mosque peacefully. Which usually i'll be looking at the field, and i will talk to my self ' Are they deaf, the azzan has been utteranced, and they still like, wow, having a great time there. #mulut jahat
But today, all seemed to be specially created to me. Thanks Allah, coz HE gave me such a peaceful moment. Even when i was in the mosque, i was shock of my life looking the number of students were there. Mostly when i realized, i late go there. Whatever it is, i like this moment. I can tidy up my room, which considerly as ' sarang kucing beranak lagi kemas ' by my mother. Belek-belek balik laptop comelku ni, yg dah bersepah dengan sampah sarap. hahaa, so tired, but happy.
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Like i said |
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Giler teruk kan -.- |
by the way, this evening, i was checking my facebook. Then i found out this facebook group. Hahaa, im thinking of promoting my blog, as a medium others to read it. But since i don't like to MENCAPAP, so im not willing to write any of personal in here ANYMORE. but, when i think it twice, what would i write other than my time-life going here and there, or what i did, or what ever.. Hurm, revealing my personal is not a good ways of having plenty of friends, right ? Even im quite choosing person who friends of, but silently, few people has done something i don't like. As far i know, THEY are more than one. Generally i can say both sexes. Whether in Facebook, Twitter ( even not too active ), MySpace, all the forums i've joined ( mostly i was getting into the aviation forum, but it is wierd when GIRLS were the most frequently contact me ? And im IGNORING them okayy !! ) and this blogspot.
Hish, melalut daa, aku nak cerite, yang td kann, nk tau tak.. BEN ASHAARI yang approve aku masuk group blogger tuu. I've been friends to him such a long time, but, i don't know la yg dia yang approve aku. tettt. *CRUSH, to be a blogger. #new resolution, be a good blogger.
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Amboi, siap print screen lagi tuu :P |
Sunday, December 25, 2011
A day in singapore. Year end sale maa.
Malaysians are well known when the End-Year sale coming up, they'll be in overseas to shop there instead having the shopping here in Malaysia. In my point of view, i think it is because the affordable prices given to all sort of branded items. If compared in Malaysia, hahaa, IMPOSSIBLE to buy a branded items. So, i can see most of my friends are going to London ( especially ) just to go shopping. Yes, I admitted there were lots of branded items sold there with low price. Moreover, there are several markets which selling used item, called Car Boot. I used to buy my PS 2 there, with only £30 and i can use it until now. Without any damage. My first MP3 also, i bought there. Only £10.
But for me, the best place, we could go for the sale, is in Singapore. Even me, i went for just a day there, just to have shopping branded items but with low prices. The price were, very very very low. Cheap as a Malaysian, even more if you were a Singaporean. wow, i don't need a place to stay sleep, Malaysia and Singapore are so close to each other. Btw, the places there also have a nice view. So clean with every time the cleaners are cleaning there. Compare again with Malaysia. No way, Malaysia ni pelbagai sampah ade la derr.. Much to be surprised is, London is not as clean as we thought before. Same je dengan Malaysia..
Malaysians are well known when the End-Year sale coming up, they'll be in overseas to shop there instead having the shopping here in Malaysia. In my point of view, i think it is because the affordable prices given to all sort of branded items. If compared in Malaysia, hahaa, IMPOSSIBLE to buy a branded items. So, i can see most of my friends are going to London ( especially ) just to go shopping. Yes, I admitted there were lots of branded items sold there with low price. Moreover, there are several markets which selling used item, called Car Boot. I used to buy my PS 2 there, with only £30 and i can use it until now. Without any damage. My first MP3 also, i bought there. Only £10.
But for me, the best place, we could go for the sale, is in Singapore. Even me, i went for just a day there, just to have shopping branded items but with low prices. The price were, very very very low. Cheap as a Malaysian, even more if you were a Singaporean. wow, i don't need a place to stay sleep, Malaysia and Singapore are so close to each other. Btw, the places there also have a nice view. So clean with every time the cleaners are cleaning there. Compare again with Malaysia. No way, Malaysia ni pelbagai sampah ade la derr.. Much to be surprised is, London is not as clean as we thought before. Same je dengan Malaysia..
my brother. |
integrated railway system. Mostly help us. |
Prada. |
Louis Vuitton. |
hahaa. LV, prada, vincci, sume tu kalo kat KLCC gile laa. Nk kate mewah sgt tmpt dia takde la sgt. Ion Orchard ni lebih hebat dan Gah dari Pavillion Okayyyhh.. Takpe laa, g uptown lg besss. sbb lg murah.. ngeee ~
Zara okeyhh.. Even the person named Zara is in London right now. why go jauh2, singapore ade kan. Tetttt, bia la dia kate. YaAllah kutuk org je keje aku nii |
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Saturday 24.12.11
Hari ni, eh ehh, semalam laa. Bosan laa, ak balik sbb nk enjoy, setelah hampir 5mggu tidak menjejakkan kaki kat rumah, ouh my home sweet home, ive reached here yesturday punya yestuday.. Quite long journey from KMPk ( perak ) to KUL ( kuala lumpur ) to Gombak ( gombak setia ). Around 6 hours br la smpai rumah, 2300 hour to be specific. Hurm, before that, i went to dinner with all my family, because of my MAMA sakit, so angah decided to treat us. Ishk, tajuk tok hari sabtu tp cter pasal hari jumaat. Apee daa..
Without wasting our times, let all these pictures tell everything, since i've heard that ade pepatah mengatakan 'Dari Gambar Menceritakan Segala-galanya' *pictures tell everything.
Hari ni, eh ehh, semalam laa. Bosan laa, ak balik sbb nk enjoy, setelah hampir 5mggu tidak menjejakkan kaki kat rumah, ouh my home sweet home, ive reached here yesturday punya yestuday.. Quite long journey from KMPk ( perak ) to KUL ( kuala lumpur ) to Gombak ( gombak setia ). Around 6 hours br la smpai rumah, 2300 hour to be specific. Hurm, before that, i went to dinner with all my family, because of my MAMA sakit, so angah decided to treat us. Ishk, tajuk tok hari sabtu tp cter pasal hari jumaat. Apee daa..
Without wasting our times, let all these pictures tell everything, since i've heard that ade pepatah mengatakan 'Dari Gambar Menceritakan Segala-galanya' *pictures tell everything.
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Seperti biasa nk keluar rumah kena posing dulu.. |
masanya adalah pukul 10 pg, before that kne tolong buatkan Ubat MAMA, peehh, sejam kot nk bancuh, ingat senang. Prepare mama before keluar, i dun want anything bad happen to her. Im gonna make sure she's in a very proper and great condition before im out somewhere on the earth enjoying my day.
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peluk cium XOXO dulu ank buah fav. Dah dpt kaki terus tkmo kuar jalan, ye la nk practise jalan dlm umh laa |
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my giant cat, he's trying to show his 'macho' infront of all catwomen |
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MAMA.. LAP you much-much |
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Wangsa Walk, tapi park penuh. So cari la parking khas. |
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ye itu diaa, Tiada parking khas dari yang ni kan. Mmg betul2 special lah. |
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beli tiket, wait, this was the second movie i watched. Cz in the morning i was alone watching Ombak Rindu. |
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Lunch, special sgt ke ? Mahal ade laaa |
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yeah, show time arrived. Pop Corn ready to be served. |
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all others too. Just need to pay. Oh that non of my business. Let my sis pay for it. |
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Unfortunately, i only bought 2 cups of mashed potatoes. *paid by my self okay. |
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coz i already intended to buy this one. My fav milk with pearl. WOW. Long time not drink this. |
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my sis bought some of these. For Adam, and how on earth i could see Adam wear girl shoes. |
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scene on my way back home |
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incredibly tensed all my way back. Its a Xmas eve right ? we forgot ! |
GOD, it took around an hour to compress all these pictures. I hate my DSLR which very hard to upload directly from its original size. I need to compress maa. Take time, baik buat kimia. Btw, im going to sleep. Giler ngantuk. assalamualaikum.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
emosi tak stabil. sbb elaun tak masuk. tp alhamdulillah. ak okay jee.
emosi tak stabil. sbb elaun tak masuk. tp alhamdulillah. ak okay jee.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
padam muke.
yeee... tajuk tu mmg sesuai lah dengan aku.. hurm. looks so serious but yes.. it is serious.. its actually related to my finance. grr. sgt menyesal kot. tu lah, aden dah kabor. awok tak dengorr. T_T
semalam cani cternyer. ade la dak blik mntk tlg bkk kn internet sbb dia nk download lgu. then ak pon beli lah Mobile Internet. huhhh. RM2 jee. alaaa sejan je kann. Okay la tuu.. Ak pon downloadkan lah dia lgu. sambl2 tu bkk la pesbuk ak yg dah bkurun lame tak bkk kan.. huhuuu. biasa la kat umh tak de mslh ngn cnnection internet. dmana2 ak leh bkk pesbuk. gne hp pon blh. tapi sni, terbatas la skitt ak nyer penggunaan bende alah ytuu.
malangnya ak dah termakan pjuk rayu syaitan. YaAllah, teruknyerrr akuu.. ak pon beli lah lgi satu kali MI tuu. huhh.. tak puas kott. beli lgi. Mlm balik masjid. Beli lgi. kalo kire2 dah bape kali dah tuu.. at last, ak pon tak tdi satu mlm sbb tgk pesbuk.. Arghhh.. mmg ak mengaku ak tak tdo ak punya kerja mmg perfect siap.
subuh, mmg awal gleerr. kul 5 dh g mandi. siap mandi dua kali. kul 5 dan 7.. hahaa. g kelas awalll... kul 7.20,, ngeee. TP T_T ble lecturer bkk je mulut. yeee, mulut ak pon bkk jgk. MENGUAP !! eeee. teruk nyerr. niiiiii, ak dlm kelas sc comp. tutor yeee. hahh, lecturer membebel kat dpn, ak subik menaip.. Jadi sori la kalo ade typo error. sbb mate kedepan, to tgn menaip bende2 nii.. ARGGGHHH. baii,
yeee... tajuk tu mmg sesuai lah dengan aku.. hurm. looks so serious but yes.. it is serious.. its actually related to my finance. grr. sgt menyesal kot. tu lah, aden dah kabor. awok tak dengorr. T_T
semalam cani cternyer. ade la dak blik mntk tlg bkk kn internet sbb dia nk download lgu. then ak pon beli lah Mobile Internet. huhhh. RM2 jee. alaaa sejan je kann. Okay la tuu.. Ak pon downloadkan lah dia lgu. sambl2 tu bkk la pesbuk ak yg dah bkurun lame tak bkk kan.. huhuuu. biasa la kat umh tak de mslh ngn cnnection internet. dmana2 ak leh bkk pesbuk. gne hp pon blh. tapi sni, terbatas la skitt ak nyer penggunaan bende alah ytuu.
malangnya ak dah termakan pjuk rayu syaitan. YaAllah, teruknyerrr akuu.. ak pon beli lah lgi satu kali MI tuu. huhh.. tak puas kott. beli lgi. Mlm balik masjid. Beli lgi. kalo kire2 dah bape kali dah tuu.. at last, ak pon tak tdi satu mlm sbb tgk pesbuk.. Arghhh.. mmg ak mengaku ak tak tdo ak punya kerja mmg perfect siap.
subuh, mmg awal gleerr. kul 5 dh g mandi. siap mandi dua kali. kul 5 dan 7.. hahaa. g kelas awalll... kul 7.20,, ngeee. TP T_T ble lecturer bkk je mulut. yeee, mulut ak pon bkk jgk. MENGUAP !! eeee. teruk nyerr. niiiiii, ak dlm kelas sc comp. tutor yeee. hahh, lecturer membebel kat dpn, ak subik menaip.. Jadi sori la kalo ade typo error. sbb mate kedepan, to tgn menaip bende2 nii.. ARGGGHHH. baii,
Thursday, December 8, 2011
short time !
matriculation program give their students a short time of gaining knowledge which might actually can be learned by a diploma's students within 3 years. But us, must do as quick as 9 months. As time goes by, our packed schedule will meet it ends. This second semester will run away just like it not noticeable.
The time i can go for online, is just during the computer lab class. Unfortunately, Facebook is forbidden in here. So i can't open my account, updating it just like a dream come true. huhuu. Time semester, i only can open my blogspot ( the only medium to connect with others ) in Monday * 8am, Thursday *2-4pm, and Friday *10am.. thats all.. Pity mee.
matriculation program give their students a short time of gaining knowledge which might actually can be learned by a diploma's students within 3 years. But us, must do as quick as 9 months. As time goes by, our packed schedule will meet it ends. This second semester will run away just like it not noticeable.
The time i can go for online, is just during the computer lab class. Unfortunately, Facebook is forbidden in here. So i can't open my account, updating it just like a dream come true. huhuu. Time semester, i only can open my blogspot ( the only medium to connect with others ) in Monday * 8am, Thursday *2-4pm, and Friday *10am.. thats all.. Pity mee.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
what does my heart looks like ?
well i guess im not in a very good mood lately. Most my time were spent in my own room ?? Is it ? ngee ~ Most my time have been fully consumed to do nothing instead of studying which part of my responsibility as a student. Two days ago, i received my final PSPM1 ( peperiksaan semester program matrikulasi ). Its not what i expected to get but truly, i glad with my result. As well as my fellow friends, were waiting their result, the beating made them couldn't bare waiting the moment came.
The result were announced after class ended. I hope that for the second sem, we would never need to stay like that. Hot maa, couldn't stand on it. By the way congratulation for all KMPkian and me my self as well.
OMG, not much time. bai bai
well i guess im not in a very good mood lately. Most my time were spent in my own room ?? Is it ? ngee ~ Most my time have been fully consumed to do nothing instead of studying which part of my responsibility as a student. Two days ago, i received my final PSPM1 ( peperiksaan semester program matrikulasi ). Its not what i expected to get but truly, i glad with my result. As well as my fellow friends, were waiting their result, the beating made them couldn't bare waiting the moment came.
The result were announced after class ended. I hope that for the second sem, we would never need to stay like that. Hot maa, couldn't stand on it. By the way congratulation for all KMPkian and me my self as well.
OMG, not much time. bai bai
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Glide that GLIDER
well.. Last week was my very busy week of the year. Which actually my first week in second semester. By mean i should have less work to do and also rest for most time. But unfortunately as i went into that competition, means that i need to pay much attetntion to that competition. For God sake, i have to leave much of my studies subjects, for some of my subjects needed us to understand it by ourselves effort. Grrr..
Okay. The Glider it self, i think he didn't want us to glide him. He knew he would flew like RIO.. tettt. But my team mates and i, have that what we called as a spirits of having trust on the winds, and we did all things required in that competition. Without noticing that we were too much believed we will win it. With all the physics concepts and those principle were correct..
For the day of presenting our invention came, and we looked at others intentions, WOW ? What the tutttt. We actually used a small range of wings, and also our colors were not too colorful. Which we thought it was sufficient for us to win the creativity category. And also when we tried to convinced the audiences with our explaination that our lecturer gave. Wins for the best presentation ? hahaa.
On the day of gliding !. I was the one who needed to glide it. As well as my lecturer. At first she throw it with a perfect glide and make me worried, if i couldn't fly it like my lecturer did. And i throw it started with bismillah and i believe with my self i can do better than her. Its great, coz it landed within seconds it flew in the air. grrr.
And the result. Yeah we won consolation. Actually, we were the fourth furthest distance. but no price for the fourth place. and as for calming ourselves, we consider we were the fourth of all 25 teams. heee. So sad of letting our times flying just like that. But if we think it again, it worth it.. Without getting into this, we cannot get more experiences, the shaking experiences especially. ngee ~ k lah, bai
well.. Last week was my very busy week of the year. Which actually my first week in second semester. By mean i should have less work to do and also rest for most time. But unfortunately as i went into that competition, means that i need to pay much attetntion to that competition. For God sake, i have to leave much of my studies subjects, for some of my subjects needed us to understand it by ourselves effort. Grrr..
Okay. The Glider it self, i think he didn't want us to glide him. He knew he would flew like RIO.. tettt. But my team mates and i, have that what we called as a spirits of having trust on the winds, and we did all things required in that competition. Without noticing that we were too much believed we will win it. With all the physics concepts and those principle were correct..
For the day of presenting our invention came, and we looked at others intentions, WOW ? What the tutttt. We actually used a small range of wings, and also our colors were not too colorful. Which we thought it was sufficient for us to win the creativity category. And also when we tried to convinced the audiences with our explaination that our lecturer gave. Wins for the best presentation ? hahaa.
On the day of gliding !. I was the one who needed to glide it. As well as my lecturer. At first she throw it with a perfect glide and make me worried, if i couldn't fly it like my lecturer did. And i throw it started with bismillah and i believe with my self i can do better than her. Its great, coz it landed within seconds it flew in the air. grrr.
And the result. Yeah we won consolation. Actually, we were the fourth furthest distance. but no price for the fourth place. and as for calming ourselves, we consider we were the fourth of all 25 teams. heee. So sad of letting our times flying just like that. But if we think it again, it worth it.. Without getting into this, we cannot get more experiences, the shaking experiences especially. ngee ~ k lah, bai
Friday, November 11, 2011
Tagged Again.
haha. sebenarnya aku jumpe bende alah ni dari yanie a few days ago. And as usual i was too lazy updating this Blog. And tonight i am really bored staying up such this late which i used to do during my study week and exam week. But today i need to take care of Adam, my beautiful handsome and cutest nephew. He sicks right now including my self. I had a really bad Cough and Mama also had a fever.
Okay ive been tagged from naff and i wasn't notice that she stated my name in her post. In order to fulfill her dream, i do laa bende alah nii.
♥ Horror movie OR Love story?
haha. sebenarnya aku jumpe bende alah ni dari yanie a few days ago. And as usual i was too lazy updating this Blog. And tonight i am really bored staying up such this late which i used to do during my study week and exam week. But today i need to take care of Adam, my beautiful handsome and cutest nephew. He sicks right now including my self. I had a really bad Cough and Mama also had a fever.
Okay ive been tagged from naff and i wasn't notice that she stated my name in her post. In order to fulfill her dream, i do laa bende alah nii.
-must post these rules.
-each person must post 11 things about theirselves in their journal.
-answer the question the tagger set for you in their post.
then create 11 questions for the people you tag to answer.
-you have tag 11 people.
-go to this page and tell them
-no tag back
-no stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged of you're reading this."
you legitimately (a.k.a really,trust,with all honesty) tag 11 people :D
you legitimately (a.k.a really,trust,with all honesty) tag 11 people :D
my name given by my parents and stated in identity card is MOHD FIRDAUS BIN SALIM...
I was born on 7th of May 1993...
I was Born in Friday, as i checked in my phone calender...
ive got 6 Siblings. and im the middle one, number 3...
Currently study at Kolej Matrikulasi Perak,KMPk...
nothing special...
I used to have many friends and now i got NO friends left, nvm coz that's what i wished to have...
No special Girl in My Life except MAMA and Ayong. two most precious women in my life...
Please don't let me talk to women coz i WILL never talk to them anymore...
Suke Hijjaz, Raihan, Unic, Maher Zain dan semua kumpulan nasyid dlm dunia. Dan aku PALANG artis-artis orang putih... :)
nothing to say...
♥ Apa yang ada dalam otak korang sekarang?
♥ Apa yang ada dalam otak korang sekarang?
Nak Tidur. Baru Makan Ubat.
♥ Suggest me how to improve in my blogging?
♥ Suggest me how to improve in my blogging?
How do i know, even i used to ask you help upgrading this blog, right.
♥ Why blogging?
♥ Why blogging?
*menyampah la soalan kau ni.. #SajaSaja Indeed..
♥ Describe LOVE.
♥ Describe LOVE.
1. Cinta kepada Allah.
2. Cinta kepada rasulullah.
3. Cinta kepada MAMA.
4. Cinta kepada ABAH.
5. Cinta kepada Bakal Isterti :)
- with the sequence from my Biggest Love to my Love one.-
♥ Horror movie OR Love story?
I Dont watch this movies anymore. Preferable Love movies coz horrors selalunya mengarut.
♥ Your tall?
♥ Your tall?
165 CM or 1.65M
♥ Pernah pergi luar negara? If yes, sila nyatakan.
♥ Pernah pergi luar negara? If yes, sila nyatakan.
what kind of Question ? well pernah once. Beberape negara kat Europe which cover all the countries in UK and also a few counties in Asia.
♥ Hometown? Dua dua belah sekali okay.
♥ Hometown? Dua dua belah sekali okay.
one side only. paham2 yeee. Sabak bernam, Selangor.
♥ Simply describe me. In essay also cannnnnnnn. :D
♥ Simply describe me. In essay also cannnnnnnn. :D
You... Childish.. Be matured please :)
♥ Waktu and age yang sesuai yang korang rasa nak kahwin? Hee.
♥ Waktu and age yang sesuai yang korang rasa nak kahwin? Hee.
Aku, ikut sunnah Nabi. around 25 - 30 in friday night. At the isolated and rural place which i dreamed to have a small way of ceremony.
♥ Favourite TV shows?
♥ Favourite TV shows?
Imam Muda :)
No way aku nk tag bende alah ni kat org. coz my follower pon tak smpai sebelas org. tettt.
malas nk edit post ni. dah la baiBai. assalamualaikum
Sunday, November 6, 2011
lame benor chek tak up-pe-dett mende alah nii. ni pun terbukak sbb baru balik dr matrik selepas gegile buat final ari tuu. bkk iPod kesayangan ni ttbe tgk dh ade blog punya application kan. ni terus cube tuu..
just nk mention kt sni ade seperkara yang ramai tersinggung dgn perilaku pelik ak baru2 nii.. maaf tapi mmg ini yg ak nak.. so jgn mmpersoal kn semua yg terjadi please. i guess dlm idop ni tak perlu lah kite ni berover2 just syukur ngan ape yg ada dan jgn lah langgar ape yg semmgnya slah disisi Agama lantas hanyut. tolong jauhkn tu dari ku yaAllah..
lame benor chek tak up-pe-dett mende alah nii. ni pun terbukak sbb baru balik dr matrik selepas gegile buat final ari tuu. bkk iPod kesayangan ni ttbe tgk dh ade blog punya application kan. ni terus cube tuu..
just nk mention kt sni ade seperkara yang ramai tersinggung dgn perilaku pelik ak baru2 nii.. maaf tapi mmg ini yg ak nak.. so jgn mmpersoal kn semua yg terjadi please. i guess dlm idop ni tak perlu lah kite ni berover2 just syukur ngan ape yg ada dan jgn lah langgar ape yg semmgnya slah disisi Agama lantas hanyut. tolong jauhkn tu dari ku yaAllah..
Monday, September 26, 2011
Putrajaya 260911
well mcm semua member2 pesbuk dan jugak belogg ni tau kan, ak pg td pergi lah interview SPA kat putrajaya, smlm tak dpt tidoq lenaa maa, memikirkan apekah akan terjadi. macam2 idea nk ckp kat mama and abah konon2 nyer tak mo g. tp kalo tk g, rugi gile. sbb ari ni je ak dah ponteng, pehh rugi bhaii. PSPM ( final ) dah dekat kot, hadoi. tp tkpe lah, ak fikir bdn lain pulak. ak fikir ape yg aku nk ckp kat interviewers tu. ak tk nk kecewa kan mama dan abah sebenarnya. at least kalo ak fail interview tk de la sedih sgt dr ak tk g lgsg. errr, okok pape lahh ngn interview tu. ak kuar kul 6.30 and smpai kul 7 ++ and yeahh,, lambat sbb navigator bodo ak tu dah bawak ak jalan2 satu putrajaya. huhhh, buang mase betoii. tak pe la at least ak siap plg awal time tuu. bapak la, dah la ak last person get into the exam hall, then im the first who finished my test. and then terus g kat tgkt 6 tok bg borang dan juga semua maklumat diri. macam biasa ni second time, dah tau da. awal smpai situ, awal dia panggil. awal jugalah ak balik. ngeee ~ errrr. akakk folder sijil saye hilang lahh o_O tp saya still boleh di interview kan. ! wahhh ayat manis bhaii ngn akk tuu. alamk, sori la teman nipu. tu tipu sunat laa. ape lg, dia pun kate, macam mane boleh hilang ? kesian nyer dak ni. yaAllah takpe lah nnt ckp kat dlm folder ilang. and yess, i talked with the interviewers tu almost 10 mins about the *folder sijil* alahaii.. tak boleh blaa...
and then macam2 dia tny aku, ak bantai jawab jee. mostly yg ak tk leh jwb, ak ckp je. im sorry sir, im not sure about that. hahaa. and aku dah tau daa ak FAIL. confirm kott. alaa tkp. ak tk kesah dpt ke tk kan. tu sume rezeki masing2. absi jee. aku terus blahhh dr situ. gile tk sabar smpai IC ak tertinggal. gagagaa. tak suke dok sane, cuakkkzz jee. hahaa. pape pun aku bantai je ari ni nyer interview. rezeki Allah beri so kalo dpt, dpt lahhh
before masuk bilik interview, sempat lagi nk bergambar2 kann..
well. dah abis interview. dlm lipp. nk balik. mmg sempat sgt la nk bergambar. takde org. ngee~
errr. apesal td warne oren ni warne putih ?
hamboi, berangan sakan lah. JPA mmg tak mgkn la nk pandang aku >,<
yeah break fast kat tesco ampang :D
pehh. mmg cantik gile kedai dia. rugi lah sbb ak sorg je td kan.
tk de la enjoy mne..
hahhaaa. ni last day b4 ak balik matrik. ni last punya balik for this sem. alaaaaa. tak bestnyer. ak nk balik kalo leh setiap hari. kat matrik tk best. hoping jugaklah dpt bnd alah tuu. kalo dpt, alhamdulillah ak blaja kat sg. buluh jee. takde la jauh mne dr umh. mama pun dah beli rumah baru kan.. ngee ~ so sg. buluh ngn rumah baru aku tuu dekat jee. alaaa takmo balik takmo balik. td ak on9 pessbukk time dak2 kelas ak kat lab comp.. sume jelez ngn ak and soh ak balik cepat. *rindu kaa ? belah la bhaii. tk de maknenyer nk rindu aku ni kan. hahaa. ayat nk tacing jee. halamakk.. ni last song post ak kat pesbuk b4 balik. terasa kott. dah la lg ni sedih kan.. hohoooo T_T
Saturday, September 24, 2011
well i guess mmg dah lame betul tak update blog. everyday got chances to open facebook, but not updating blog. yeah sbb busy. busy dan busy. konon2 nye la. and yet, pebuk buleh je wat status smpai berpuluh2 komen. gambaq upload beralbum2 kan. haha. actually bkn tkd mase sgt pun, tp tak de idea nk tulis ape kan. and furthermore final is around the corner. and im still in front of my computer. and my books. *buat pekasam saje la atas meja tu. lepas tu dengan my new Android kan, mmg tak lah asyik mengDownload sofware2 baru je keje. tp buku. aduh susah bebenor lah mau study.
well i guess mmg dah lame betul tak update blog. everyday got chances to open facebook, but not updating blog. yeah sbb busy. busy dan busy. konon2 nye la. and yet, pebuk buleh je wat status smpai berpuluh2 komen. gambaq upload beralbum2 kan. haha. actually bkn tkd mase sgt pun, tp tak de idea nk tulis ape kan. and furthermore final is around the corner. and im still in front of my computer. and my books. *buat pekasam saje la atas meja tu. lepas tu dengan my new Android kan, mmg tak lah asyik mengDownload sofware2 baru je keje. tp buku. aduh susah bebenor lah mau study.
my home android Galaxy Ace
well act i got an idea on posting this one, coz my pesbuk status that day. The below one. erm. after coming back to matrics. I got a really huge impact. semua bertanyakan, siapa weh ? sape we ? daus dah ade awek la ? tettttttttttt HEAD BRAIN korg ak dh ade awek. awek pon tk nk kat aku laa. aduh ni gara2 interview tu lah. yg sepatutnya isnin ni ak g tuu. alaa SPA tuu. ak nk kate benci tk benci. nk kate tk suke tp suke. errrrghh, partially agreed laa. sbb hati aku dah lekat kat matrik. so mcm tk nk kuar. tp bile fikir balik, matrik susah kot. so i guess this is the best for me. No No No.. ni hanya diploma. baik teruskan je matrik. lgpun dah nk abs dah pun. NO WAY. kalau aku gagal matrik, padahnyer aku tanggung seumur hidup kot. !! alamakk o_O seriously aku mmg bingung nk amik mane. mane yg terbaik tok aku pon tk tau. hurm, susah betulkan. semua yang kita rancang tk semestinya menjadi. aduhhh. ade member2 ak suke aku PERGI and ade yg nangis even aku balik ni (jumaat - selase , tp ni baru hari sabtu). adoiyaii. nk puaskan hati semua org mmg susahkan. hurm. ape2 pun aku pergi je interview. dapat tak dpt tu belakang cite. aku tgk dulu keadaan. masih belum fikir masak2 lagi. alaa dah tersasul ke bende lain pulak. ak nk ckp pasal bdn alah ni tribute kepada member aku yg dah fly ke PARIS. pehh, baru umur 18 (1993) dah fly oke. tu yg encourage aku bnyk tu. ye la mane tak nyer. best kot dpt opportunity g dok luar negare. lagi2 paris tuuu. hahaa.
ni ler bende alah tuu.
alaaaa mcm malas la nk tulis panjang2, BaiBai la ye semuaaaa
hahaa. walaupun dah lambat nk jugaklah selamat hari raye maap zahir batin :)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
find something interesting during science computer's lab
hi act i am in the class. my lecturer lets us anything coz we have done the sillybus gagagaa.. i dont know what to do and what to say now. so i go for a quick search on my besties, mr. google. hahaa.
guess what i found again the place i would go for my honeymoon. aku selalu lah lukis bangunan ini kerana aku tau ni lah tempat plg romantik dlm dunia. ive promised each of my girls yg aku nk bwk mereka kat sni. tp jodoh tadakk.. so sape yg untung tu lah yg akn aku bwk kann..
hi act i am in the class. my lecturer lets us anything coz we have done the sillybus gagagaa.. i dont know what to do and what to say now. so i go for a quick search on my besties, mr. google. hahaa.
guess what i found again the place i would go for my honeymoon. aku selalu lah lukis bangunan ini kerana aku tau ni lah tempat plg romantik dlm dunia. ive promised each of my girls yg aku nk bwk mereka kat sni. tp jodoh tadakk.. so sape yg untung tu lah yg akn aku bwk kann..
hahaa. tp sabtu ari tu aku ade tgk satu cerita nih. SEX AND THE CITY 2 if im not mistaken lah. dierg dtg ABU DHABI untuk bercuti and aku rs its such a beautiful place to go instead. ouh okok.. tkp2. KIV lah utk tu. and then teringt kat TARA 'the amazing race asia' dierg ade g kat OMAN jugakk.. err. lg lah cantik tmpt tu seriously. i guess sane lebih orgnya beradab and agak tk popular nk bndg ngn ABU DHABI. so rsnya tkd la ade org nk buat kecoh kat OMAN kan mcm dlm cter tu.
tp kat sini aku terfikir sejenak kembali.. ak ttp ngn pilihan aku. ak nk berhoneymoon ngn bini aku kat PARIS jugak. our first night dinner aku tk kira nk bwk makan depan EIFFEL TOWER jugak. ak mmg tk akan mgkr janji aku yg telah terpatri sejak aku entah lah.. dr darjah 1 kot.. haha..
btw ape yg ak dh merepek nih. spttnya ak kena stdy skrg nih. tp kenapa update blog pulak tu.. panjang lak tuu -.-' btw broadband aku dah tk leh gune. myb lame lah tk on9.. kalo ade mase ak g lah kat library tok on9. see again friends :)
Matrik kesayangan ku
err. the reason i wasn't post anything semalam kerana ak tgh packing barang nk balik matrik TERCHENTA ini. gagaaa and at the same time girls always running in and out from my mind. i guess that the reason why aku tk bkk internet few days back T.T
err. the reason i wasn't post anything semalam kerana ak tgh packing barang nk balik matrik TERCHENTA ini. gagaaa and at the same time girls always running in and out from my mind. i guess that the reason why aku tk bkk internet few days back T.T
Friday, September 2, 2011
tak tahu nk tulis ape dah
since dah lame giler tk blogging kan. aku nyer otak mmg dah berkarat sikit tok tulis2 nih. errr.. giler lah aku tk tau nk tulis ape2 dow. jadi, aku decide nk upload gambar lah.. gambar rayo baru2 ni kan. hee..
since dah lame giler tk blogging kan. aku nyer otak mmg dah berkarat sikit tok tulis2 nih. errr.. giler lah aku tk tau nk tulis ape2 dow. jadi, aku decide nk upload gambar lah.. gambar rayo baru2 ni kan. hee..
Thursday, September 1, 2011
long time no see. serious lame giler aku tk update blog. well i guess since i went to matrik terus tk update kann.. hahaa.. yelah mane tk nya kat sane tu sgt lah bz smpai nk makan pon kadang2 tk sempat. and i wonder ade jugak yg sempat bercintan cinton kann.. hahaa.. yeahh i guess im not going to fikir pasal tu lagi. skrg ni aim aku dptkan 4flat then apply for the scholar g luar negara. ak dah tk sggp dok m'sia. tnsn bebbb.. serious.. hahaa.
well i think i shud stop here. kBai guys.
long time no see. serious lame giler aku tk update blog. well i guess since i went to matrik terus tk update kann.. hahaa.. yelah mane tk nya kat sane tu sgt lah bz smpai nk makan pon kadang2 tk sempat. and i wonder ade jugak yg sempat bercintan cinton kann.. hahaa.. yeahh i guess im not going to fikir pasal tu lagi. skrg ni aim aku dptkan 4flat then apply for the scholar g luar negara. ak dah tk sggp dok m'sia. tnsn bebbb.. serious.. hahaa.
well i think i shud stop here. kBai guys.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Blog aku dah ade comment box.
finally aku dapat jugak buat sehingga blog aku ni ade komen box balik.
ter'click' ape tah tgk2 dia kuar kan.
haha. so tk de la aku delete blogspot nih. nya.
*tu je aku nk tulissss..
batul ke keputusan aku??
Ya Allah aku takut sangat dengan semua ini.
aku takut apa keputusan yang aku buat ni tk betul.
tapi Abah dah suruh jugak pergi.
mayb nak tunjukkan kat pakcik2 dan makcik2 aku,
aku pun boleh berjaya dalam askar??
WTH..ape kaitan nya dengan aku.
fineee..sekarang ni ape ade dalam kepala otak aku.
- kem askar ( abah cakap best sgt time dulu2 abah masuk hutan. )
- 8 hari merana.? ( kalau dapat tahan smpai 8 hari ? )
- ragging ( aku tk pernah masuk asrama so aku tk de pengalaman lg. )
- makanan.... ( aku akan makanan ape erk? bersih ke tk ni )
- scholarship. ( tu je tujuan aku g sane )
okay aku dah buat keputusan.
aku pergi sane atas dasar scholarship.
masa depan aku adalah bnd paling penting sekarang nih.
i will strive for my future.
harap2 lepas.
and hopefully dapat member2 yang baik ngn ngam ngn aku.
P/s :- gile gedik smpai mcm tu aku fikirkan
Ya Allah aku takut sangat dengan semua ini.
aku takut apa keputusan yang aku buat ni tk betul.
tapi Abah dah suruh jugak pergi.
mayb nak tunjukkan kat pakcik2 dan makcik2 aku,
aku pun boleh berjaya dalam askar??
WTH..ape kaitan nya dengan aku.
fineee..sekarang ni ape ade dalam kepala otak aku.
- kem askar ( abah cakap best sgt time dulu2 abah masuk hutan. )
- 8 hari merana.? ( kalau dapat tahan smpai 8 hari ? )
- ragging ( aku tk pernah masuk asrama so aku tk de pengalaman lg. )
- makanan.... ( aku akan makanan ape erk? bersih ke tk ni )
- scholarship. ( tu je tujuan aku g sane )
okay aku dah buat keputusan.
aku pergi sane atas dasar scholarship.
masa depan aku adalah bnd paling penting sekarang nih.
i will strive for my future.
harap2 lepas.
and hopefully dapat member2 yang baik ngn ngam ngn aku.
P/s :- gile gedik smpai mcm tu aku fikirkan
Monday, April 11, 2011
td mama kejut aku then dia kate aku dapat g interview UPNM,
hamboi2 mama bukan main gmbre lg kan..
dulu bkn men lg marah ak mintk UPNM as 3 pilihan utama UPU ak.
haha.ak mmg lah gembire gile bile dpt tawaran tuh.
tapi ade satu bnd yang menghalang aku.
chest aku tk besar lahh.tau la aku tk sado ak just kerempeng kan. matter it is ak akan tetap g interview tuu.
dlm pukul 12tghari nih boleh check lah status aku bile aku googling2 menggunakan mr. google.
ttbe lak aku ade terbace someone punya blog nih.
dia kate almost 500 candidates from RMC..
royal military collage.
makk aiii.susah lah gini..
and the interview bkn sehari jowww.
beberapa hari kotttt.
kusssss semangattt,,ak ttbe lak cuakk.
dan yg paling membimbangkan aku adalah kena kawad.
oh my GOD.ak siyes tk penah n tk reti kawad.
sedihnyaaaa.ak rs mcm tk dpt je UPNM nihh..
aduuhhh..risau pulak aku kannnn...
td mama kejut aku then dia kate aku dapat g interview UPNM,
hamboi2 mama bukan main gmbre lg kan..
dulu bkn men lg marah ak mintk UPNM as 3 pilihan utama UPU ak.
haha.ak mmg lah gembire gile bile dpt tawaran tuh.
tapi ade satu bnd yang menghalang aku.
chest aku tk besar lahh.tau la aku tk sado ak just kerempeng kan. matter it is ak akan tetap g interview tuu.
dlm pukul 12tghari nih boleh check lah status aku bile aku googling2 menggunakan mr. google.
ttbe lak aku ade terbace someone punya blog nih.
dia kate almost 500 candidates from RMC..
royal military collage.
makk aiii.susah lah gini..
and the interview bkn sehari jowww.
beberapa hari kotttt.
kusssss semangattt,,ak ttbe lak cuakk.
dan yg paling membimbangkan aku adalah kena kawad.
oh my GOD.ak siyes tk penah n tk reti kawad.
sedihnyaaaa.ak rs mcm tk dpt je UPNM nihh..
aduuhhh..risau pulak aku kannnn...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
twitter dan juga youtube.
penat driving semalam tk abeh lg.
tp aku tk de mood nk tulis lg pasal perjalanan semalam.
penat yang teramat sgt yeee.
sekarang ni aku just nk story2 yang aku dah ade twitter.
baru je buat. beberape ari lepas.
and skrg aku dah follow 5org dan di follow oleh seorang nih haa.
keh keh aku tk reti nk gune.
kalo kamu baik boleh lah follow aku
pastu lak aku dah ade channel kat youtube.
merepek2 lak aku ni lepas delete pesbukk..
eh eh.silap deactivate sjoo.
haha. ni hah youtube channel aku.
so kalau korg ade youtube channel subcribe dan add lah aku..
penat driving semalam tk abeh lg.
tp aku tk de mood nk tulis lg pasal perjalanan semalam.
penat yang teramat sgt yeee.
sekarang ni aku just nk story2 yang aku dah ade twitter.
baru je buat. beberape ari lepas.
and skrg aku dah follow 5org dan di follow oleh seorang nih haa.
keh keh aku tk reti nk gune.
kalo kamu baik boleh lah follow aku
pastu lak aku dah ade channel kat youtube.
merepek2 lak aku ni lepas delete pesbukk..
eh eh.silap deactivate sjoo.
haha. ni hah youtube channel aku.
so kalau korg ade youtube channel subcribe dan add lah aku..
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Saya Kerana Saya !
act i have not been tagged in this game.
but i have found this on youtube.
the VC's group that i have joined there.
it sounds interesting
but in youtube they were doing a videos respond
but i have no idea what should i do if i using video.
haha. btw let's we go to the questions..
1. nama sebenar dan nama timangan.
- name sebenar dalam IC MOHD FIRDAUS BIN SALIM
- nama timangan pulak :-
:ADIK (kat rumah la)
: PEDOT (kawan lame)
: DAUS (kawan special & org TGV)
2. asal dari negeri mana ? malaysia atau luar negara.
- asal Gombak Setia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3. belajar/kerja atau both.
- dua2 tk. skrg ni duduk rumah tunggu tawaran sane sini.
4. ade pet.? apa dia.?bape ekor.?
- yes i do have a pet and it is a cat.
5. apa nama dia.
- nama kucung kesayangan aku tu PUTEH. sbb dia putih lah.
6. bandar atau luar bandar.?
- aku dibesarkan dan bersekolah di luar bandar *pinggir kalau kerja aku pilih bandar tp KLIA bukan lah bandar sgt aku pilih luar bandar sbb aku lbh suke suasana sunyi dan tenang :)
7. deodorant atau perfumes? brand?
-dua2 aku gune untuk deodorant aku gune AXE dark temptation manakala untuk perfume aku gune the body shop perisa vanilla.
8. buku atau majalah
- aku prefer buku sbb aku tk suke bace gossip. tp act ak tk suke membaca so i have no choice but book is the best choice.
9. music traditional or modern
- aku ni flexible aku boleh fit ape2 pon asalkan best.
10. kasut saiz berapa.
- my god. the most sensitive q's. my size is 10. tp bile g main bowling ak mintk 8 T__T
11. ade lesen? kereta atau motor.?
- aku ade lesen tp lesen kete tk nk la.
12. pernah kemalangan.? cu citer
- pernah time kecik2 balik sekolah agama. mama amik aku tp ttbe je ade moto yg laju giler meluru ke arah aku. puuuuuuuuhhh. dia langgar aku.. eh eh. dia langgar kete mama kat site aku duduk tuhh.pastu ak nmpk dia melambung lalu atas kete n jatuh dua meter dr kete mama. pehh cuak gile kot..
13. nasi lemak atau roti canai?
-nasi lemak lah. sb makan nasi ngn makan roti mane lg kenyang.?for sure makan nasi.haha
14. belacan/tempoyak/cencalok.
-ak tk makan sume tu. unless kalo beli kat kedai dierg ade masukkan bnd alah tuh without let me know.
15. banglow atau apartment.?
- aku suke banglow sbb ade yard and tk de la berkongsi bangunan yang same ngn org lain. WTH?haha
16. chocolates or ice cram.?
- just give me ice cream and i can finish it up in one minute. yeah boleh kate aku ni hantu ice cream lah.
17. cerita berakhir dengan kegembiraan atau kesedihan?
-for sure kegembiraan kan. who wants to watch something has the sad ending rite.
18. cerita seram/aksi/romantik/komedi?
-semua nya aku suke aslkan aku suke cter tuh. tp kalo cter tu tk bes and bosan aku pon tk suke. so tk leh nk ckp lah kalo aku minat mane satu.
19. artis kegemaran dalam dan luar negara?
- aku tk de fav artis tp ak suke ape yg dierg produce like films or songs. no matter how beautiful they are or how ugly they are or how bad their voice but when it comes to the good production, i would be pleasure to like them
20. pavillion, TS or klcc.
- i choose KLCC because it has a direct train from my house to KLCC
21. bangsar or bukit bintang?
-bukit bintang kot. sbb dekat ngn umh aku. kalo bangsar pon myb lepak dekat monavie or stalls near to my brother's friends
22. LRT/ bus / taxi
-LRT for sure because the train station really near to my house.
23. ade BF/GF??citerla sikit!
-no i don't have, but im still search for them. not hunting but searching yaa. dun misunderstad
24. i love you or you love me.
- i think for me you love me kott. sbb kalo i love you pon tp you're not love me. useless jugak kan.haha
25. apakah perbezaan antara pepsi dan coke.
-**** off this q's. i never know how to differentiate them. even if you give me two cups of water and i have to differentiate them i dont know.
26. cipta satu soalan kemudian jawab sendiri.
Soalan : bile bnd ni nk abis
Jawapan : lu pikir la sndri
act i have not been tagged in this game.
but i have found this on youtube.
the VC's group that i have joined there.
it sounds interesting
but in youtube they were doing a videos respond
but i have no idea what should i do if i using video.
haha. btw let's we go to the questions..
1. nama sebenar dan nama timangan.
- name sebenar dalam IC MOHD FIRDAUS BIN SALIM
- nama timangan pulak :-
:ADIK (kat rumah la)
: PEDOT (kawan lame)
: DAUS (kawan special & org TGV)
2. asal dari negeri mana ? malaysia atau luar negara.
- asal Gombak Setia Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
3. belajar/kerja atau both.
- dua2 tk. skrg ni duduk rumah tunggu tawaran sane sini.
4. ade pet.? apa dia.?bape ekor.?
- yes i do have a pet and it is a cat.
5. apa nama dia.
- nama kucung kesayangan aku tu PUTEH. sbb dia putih lah.
6. bandar atau luar bandar.?
- aku dibesarkan dan bersekolah di luar bandar *pinggir kalau kerja aku pilih bandar tp KLIA bukan lah bandar sgt aku pilih luar bandar sbb aku lbh suke suasana sunyi dan tenang :)
7. deodorant atau perfumes? brand?
-dua2 aku gune untuk deodorant aku gune AXE dark temptation manakala untuk perfume aku gune the body shop perisa vanilla.
8. buku atau majalah
- aku prefer buku sbb aku tk suke bace gossip. tp act ak tk suke membaca so i have no choice but book is the best choice.
9. music traditional or modern
- aku ni flexible aku boleh fit ape2 pon asalkan best.
10. kasut saiz berapa.
- my god. the most sensitive q's. my size is 10. tp bile g main bowling ak mintk 8 T__T
11. ade lesen? kereta atau motor.?
- aku ade lesen tp lesen kete tk nk la.
12. pernah kemalangan.? cu citer
- pernah time kecik2 balik sekolah agama. mama amik aku tp ttbe je ade moto yg laju giler meluru ke arah aku. puuuuuuuuhhh. dia langgar aku.. eh eh. dia langgar kete mama kat site aku duduk tuhh.pastu ak nmpk dia melambung lalu atas kete n jatuh dua meter dr kete mama. pehh cuak gile kot..
13. nasi lemak atau roti canai?
-nasi lemak lah. sb makan nasi ngn makan roti mane lg kenyang.?for sure makan nasi.haha
14. belacan/tempoyak/cencalok.
-ak tk makan sume tu. unless kalo beli kat kedai dierg ade masukkan bnd alah tuh without let me know.
15. banglow atau apartment.?
- aku suke banglow sbb ade yard and tk de la berkongsi bangunan yang same ngn org lain. WTH?haha
16. chocolates or ice cram.?
- just give me ice cream and i can finish it up in one minute. yeah boleh kate aku ni hantu ice cream lah.
17. cerita berakhir dengan kegembiraan atau kesedihan?
-for sure kegembiraan kan. who wants to watch something has the sad ending rite.
18. cerita seram/aksi/romantik/komedi?
-semua nya aku suke aslkan aku suke cter tuh. tp kalo cter tu tk bes and bosan aku pon tk suke. so tk leh nk ckp lah kalo aku minat mane satu.
19. artis kegemaran dalam dan luar negara?
- aku tk de fav artis tp ak suke ape yg dierg produce like films or songs. no matter how beautiful they are or how ugly they are or how bad their voice but when it comes to the good production, i would be pleasure to like them
20. pavillion, TS or klcc.
- i choose KLCC because it has a direct train from my house to KLCC
21. bangsar or bukit bintang?
-bukit bintang kot. sbb dekat ngn umh aku. kalo bangsar pon myb lepak dekat monavie or stalls near to my brother's friends
22. LRT/ bus / taxi
-LRT for sure because the train station really near to my house.
23. ade BF/GF??citerla sikit!
-no i don't have, but im still search for them. not hunting but searching yaa. dun misunderstad
24. i love you or you love me.
- i think for me you love me kott. sbb kalo i love you pon tp you're not love me. useless jugak kan.haha
25. apakah perbezaan antara pepsi dan coke.
-**** off this q's. i never know how to differentiate them. even if you give me two cups of water and i have to differentiate them i dont know.
26. cipta satu soalan kemudian jawab sendiri.
Soalan : bile bnd ni nk abis
Jawapan : lu pikir la sndri
saturday.. a lot things done.
adam was the first one who tidy up. i wasn't wake up that time but he already had shower in his 'hot bath tub'. when i woke up i was shocked for him. wow. impressive lots and i get my phone. what the hell!! no battery. i switched on the phone and took the charger. but someone suddenly called me which my phone 'died' again. haha. i didn't want to turn it on again and went to the bathroom. after i have done everything. i waited for everybody and then we went out. it was around 2 o'clock we went out from house.
there were lots of obstacles during our journey to shah alam. we used DUKE highway. cause it is more easy and affordable instead using GARTHERY highway. we missed the exit junction to shah alam. oh my God. we were already late and we missed that. so we have to take the other way which is more longer and take some times to arrive at our destination.
finally at 3 o'clock we arrived at the wedding. after angah parked the car, we walked a long the road to the ceremony's venue. angah and i shaking hands with Dato' Dr. Munit which is the father of the bride and ayong shaking hands with Datin Siti. she told Datin that mama couldn't make her way to there because mama had to attended a 'kursus'.
we made our way to the table. after sitting well, ayong asked me to take some foods for her while she looked after adam. so angah and i took some foods and drinks for three of us. we ate as fast as we could and went back after that. *oh i forgot mentioned that from the beginning i was texting with Farah Amira. she's the one who called me until my phone's battery empty.
in our way back home, i noticed that i really miss dewan MBSA cause i was watching Maher Zain's concert there last year. it was one of most wonderful time i had in my life. i could see him right besides my two balls of eyes. at first i couldn't believe that but at last alhadulillah cause Allah gave me something special after i survived in my trial examination.
ayong told us that she wanted to go to One Utama because she got one free make-over from guardian. she bought MAYBELLINE at the guardian more than rm30 so she received this free ticket. she asked me either i want to follow or not. and for sure my answer was yess. but we will go with azean (my sister's friend) well i didn't care because i just want to release my tension there, by window shopping *shopping act, watching movies or just *wash eyes (cuci mate). haha. but then my brother wanted to follow too. my bad, i never like him to follow me. hahh. please go a way from me but you still can threat me. haha..
it was around 5 o'clock azean arrived and took us to her new car. PERSONA ELIGEN oke. dun play play. my father only has MERCEDES ELEGEN ??? haha. never mind. she drove the car like a drunken. i was really dizzy sitting on the back site of the car. looking out sides and i was looking like want to spit but i hold for a while. until i arrived at One Utama.
ayong and azean let me go walking around the places. and then pufff i had gone to everywhere in the mall. looking for something that i also didn't know. a few things i saw that took every my attention to it. *sigh. i only got rm50 with my credit card at home. maybank card isn't accept there. all shirts that i admired most at Padini Authentic, Heng pah (pekejadah name cine kedai tu tp 70% dan aku suke), F.O.S, Romp, and many more were unacceptable because of their prices. argghh. it's all about the money. why should money be an issued in shopping..?
the most beautiful and fit shirt was in Padini and damn i really want that. but my sister told me either it is necessary or not..? indeed i was really disappointed because i choose not to buy it. *sigh. after a few hours window shopping there and i brought nothing from there. we went to Penang Flavor. i think it was the best decision eating there. the foods served really impressed. tasted like we were eating at home. like in copitiam but it is just a small stall.. and the prices are affordable.
then we made our way out to parking cause we were really exhausted. one whole day we gone out. it's time to back home and my brother took the responsibility driving car. azean was not sure she could drive back in the middle of night. plus it must be jammed all over the way back home. but nope. everything goes perfectly during our way back home. haha. he speeded up and i felt like i was in roller coaster. i rather be home a little bit late than i have to sacrificed my life dead.
after i reached home sweet home. i chatted with Farah Amira and we talked a lot until one of my biggest secret was reveled. the reason i deactivated my FB. haha. i hope she would not tell anyone about it.
i am really tired writing this post. i think this the most tiring post i have ever done.
what ever it is thank you for reading it.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Cekak Rambut.
haha. tajuk entry kali buat aku tergelak lah.
haha.cekak rambut.
semenjak dua menjak selepas SPM dah tamat.
lebih-lebih lg bile dah tk skola.
there's no more hair's inspection
so buat mase sekarang nih rambut sumpah panjang gileee.
mcm pontik-anak jeeee.
ssssshhhh. jgn sebut2 kang nnt dia dtg betul2 kang.
cekak rambut kini tersangat penting buat aku.
ye la kang nnt kalo kene angin.
amboi siap boleh buat iklan sunsulk la pulak.
rimas lak aku kalo menggerebang2 nih.
so solution nye aku pakai lah cekak rambut..
nk buat tocang tk ckp panjang.

amboi cekak..
kalah mak temah sebelah rumah kan.
ni aku curi kat google je.
malas nk tangkap gambar aku memakai cekak.
haha. tajuk entry kali buat aku tergelak lah.
haha.cekak rambut.
semenjak dua menjak selepas SPM dah tamat.
lebih-lebih lg bile dah tk skola.
there's no more hair's inspection
so buat mase sekarang nih rambut sumpah panjang gileee.
mcm pontik-anak jeeee.
ssssshhhh. jgn sebut2 kang nnt dia dtg betul2 kang.
cekak rambut kini tersangat penting buat aku.
ye la kang nnt kalo kene angin.
amboi siap boleh buat iklan sunsulk la pulak.
rimas lak aku kalo menggerebang2 nih.
so solution nye aku pakai lah cekak rambut..
nk buat tocang tk ckp panjang.

amboi cekak..
kalah mak temah sebelah rumah kan.
ni aku curi kat google je.
malas nk tangkap gambar aku memakai cekak.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
pilot's life...!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is you captain speaking. We want to welcome you aboard to this Malaysia Airline Service MAS to London. Flight duration is around 14 hours and we are expecting a smooth flight today. Once again we thanked you for choosing to fly with us today and we hope you enjoy your flight.
Moge2 aku dapat capai impian aku menyampaikan greetings ni kat passengers aku suatu hari nanti. org yg sepatutnya aku call still tk dpt di hubungi. aku berharap ini bukan satu halangan untuk aku mencapai cita2 aku. *sigh
the job of an airplane carries considerable charms, prestigious, responsibilities, and risks. they can find themselves in the different time zones, climate, and cultures every day. it is like a new and different expedition every time. pilots literally have the lives of the passengers in their hands. the physical and mental demands are rigorous.
tetapi ade yang salah anggap. mereka yang nk jd pilot itu tidak semestinya mengejar duit ?? perempuan ?? and nk jd glamorous !! tetapi their passion towards aircrafts, sky and many more actually the main intention to become a pilot. indeed passion is not the only reason someone like to be a pilot, we do admitted that pilot's lifestyle makes it more satisfaction to be dreamed of.
sadly i never been given a chance to be that. and now i do hope that mr. mohd azim daud will approve me and give me a chance entering Asia Pacific Flight Training. i am really hoping he'll convinced MARA so they can give me the loan.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
self tagging.
fine. mlm ni aku tk tau nk wat ape.
so aku ade lah terbaca member aku nyer blog.
naff diTag.
so ak rs soalan nya agak best jugak.
pedot (member lama kat SMKGS tersayang)
daus (special members)
firdaus (nerdy members)
saleem (member2 time skola rendah dulu,nk ejek name bpk la kan)
7th may (annually)
31 dec (annually)
1st jan (annually)
end of every months
*semuanya ade sebab.. heee.
watching *Hantu kak limah with my brother.
kiss my mom before she went to bed.
buat susu adam.
read naffsikah's blog.
tengok cover uke dan guitar kat youtube.
baca blog-blog yg ade cerita cinta *yg romantik.
dulu-dulu sharing all things with my best buddy.
keluar lepak dan makan-makan dengan kawan-kawan
nenek (walaupon tk smpt lama kita bersama)
athirah zainal (siapa dia??)
bibik (da balik indon time abh pindah scotland)
kak wana (akk angkat pon duduk kat surabaya, hari ni dia fly m'sia)
sponsorship utk aku jd pilot
iPhone 5 (akan datang)
pergi balik scotland bulan 6 nih graduasi abah (tp tiket da beli and there's no my name *sigh)
recheck result spm dan sume yg tk dpt A tu bertukar jd A.
dengar musik. *anything
mengemaskini muka buku *tp skrg dah deactivate
tonton televisyen.
meronggeng n berangan sorg2 kat umh time sume tk de
di mana lagi kalau tidak PARIS
menunaikan ibadah umrah dan haji
angkasa lepas *iss
syurga bersama-sama isteri aku untuk selama-lamanya *insyaAllah
strawberry (semanjak keje kat tgv minum preee je.)
sirap bandung
100 plus
air suam
perfumes (the bodyshop perisa vanilla)
beg duit (malas nk smpn dlm poket)
sikat rambut
underwear (bukan ape kalo g gym kne la tukar)
hitam (hitam itu menawan)
putih (putih itu bersih)
biru (biru itu tenang)
colourless (colourless itu fit untuk sume bnd)
dalam kereta (ngn member2 sekalian)
kedai laksa sebelah SKGS
kedai mamak kat platinum victory (selalu breakfast kat situ)
masjid *pehhhhhh
para Rasul
keluarga (terutama mama)
sahabat handai dan seluruh umat islam.
mama dan abah
semua di atas.
sesiapa yang membaca
sesiapa yang terbaca
sesiapa yang rs nk di tag
sesiapa saja
fine. mlm ni aku tk tau nk wat ape.
so aku ade lah terbaca member aku nyer blog.
naff diTag.
so ak rs soalan nya agak best jugak.
pedot (member lama kat SMKGS tersayang)
daus (special members)
firdaus (nerdy members)
saleem (member2 time skola rendah dulu,nk ejek name bpk la kan)
7th may (annually)
31 dec (annually)
1st jan (annually)
end of every months
*semuanya ade sebab.. heee.
watching *Hantu kak limah with my brother.
kiss my mom before she went to bed.
buat susu adam.
read naffsikah's blog.
tengok cover uke dan guitar kat youtube.
baca blog-blog yg ade cerita cinta *yg romantik.
dulu-dulu sharing all things with my best buddy.
keluar lepak dan makan-makan dengan kawan-kawan
nenek (walaupon tk smpt lama kita bersama)
athirah zainal (siapa dia??)
bibik (da balik indon time abh pindah scotland)
kak wana (akk angkat pon duduk kat surabaya, hari ni dia fly m'sia)
sponsorship utk aku jd pilot
iPhone 5 (akan datang)
pergi balik scotland bulan 6 nih graduasi abah (tp tiket da beli and there's no my name *sigh)
recheck result spm dan sume yg tk dpt A tu bertukar jd A.
dengar musik. *anything
mengemaskini muka buku *tp skrg dah deactivate
tonton televisyen.
meronggeng n berangan sorg2 kat umh time sume tk de
di mana lagi kalau tidak PARIS
menunaikan ibadah umrah dan haji
angkasa lepas *iss
syurga bersama-sama isteri aku untuk selama-lamanya *insyaAllah
strawberry (semanjak keje kat tgv minum preee je.)
sirap bandung
100 plus
air suam
perfumes (the bodyshop perisa vanilla)
beg duit (malas nk smpn dlm poket)
sikat rambut
underwear (bukan ape kalo g gym kne la tukar)
hitam (hitam itu menawan)
putih (putih itu bersih)
biru (biru itu tenang)
colourless (colourless itu fit untuk sume bnd)
dalam kereta (ngn member2 sekalian)
kedai laksa sebelah SKGS
kedai mamak kat platinum victory (selalu breakfast kat situ)
masjid *pehhhhhh
para Rasul
keluarga (terutama mama)
sahabat handai dan seluruh umat islam.
mama dan abah
semua di atas.
sesiapa yang membaca
sesiapa yang terbaca
sesiapa yang rs nk di tag
sesiapa saja
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