firstly, this entry is not that i want to show off rezeki that Allah has given to my family.. It's just aku seriously tak sangka yang akan diberi rezeki sebegini :)
Semalam abang ipar aku datang, dia nak bawak kakak aku balik kg, sbb dah lama tak balik kan, akk aku pon okay lah sbb husband nk bawak jln lepas tuu. Langkawi pun jadilah kann.. Huahuaa. Aku pon tolong lah kemas rumah *erkk -.-' * sbb tak nk la apar ipar aku nmpk rumah teruk bersepah :D
Suddenly my sister received a call from her husband told that his car broke down in a middle of highway. How on earth my bro-in-law had a car ? Blurr kejap. Coz he told us that his bus would arrive around 6 o'clock.. And now he called and asked for help. My sis and bro rushing to the him.. Yet actually he run off fuel. My sis laughed at him and tried to find fuel for his new car.
Unfortunately, on their way heading back home, my bro-in-law forgot to take his phone from the roof of his car. And the phone was flying across the road. How pity him right. I was like, woww, it such a a a aaaaa ?? I can't imagine what am i gonna say if it happened to me.. Dah la dia pakai samsung ape tah tak ingt tp android setaraf ngan aku laa... Tp dia dah kerja takpe laa. Ak je over nk beli hp mahal2.
Tp what ever it is, i want to say here in this post, Allah dah beri satu lg rezeki besar tok fam aku. Macam takpercaya sbb semalam tengok parking kat depan rumah, penuh dengan kereta. Siap dok luar lagi tu kereta saga mama tuu. Tp yg paling membanggakan aku, semuanya kereta m'sia. Yayyy saya memang sayang m'sia lebih dari saya sayang scotland. Itu sudah pasti. Sokong lah buatan m'sia sbb takde kurangnya dgn kereta luar negara tuu.. Lagipun kereta m'sia ni roadtax insurance murah gile nk banding kereta luar negara. Ada beberapa buah kereta yang menyakitkan Abah nk bayar roadtax sbb mahal sgt smpai kna smpn 3-4 bulan punya pencen dia. Kesian dia nk bayar.
Huhuu, ari ni pulak, rezeki lagi. sangat best sbb kuar ngan afif, then kami upgrade Android kami. Hahaa, kalah galaxy SII okay.. Sekarang aku dah pakai Android 2.3.7 selepas update Android lame aku 2.3.4.. Hahahaa. *evil laugh, abis la sabri oii.. Balik nnt takde la SII kau tu nk kalahkan hp aku. Ak dah kalahkan ko da. Ko mesti tak nk upgrade sbb still under warranty kan. ngee ~
wahh -.-' |
barang tak kemas lg |
mukekena senyum selalu :) |
super punya kan XD |
sangkar.. wahhh :) cici dah lahirkan dua ekor ank tam dan teh :) |
Pleasure eating tutti frutti :) even mahal gilaaa |
Tutti fruitti itu memey sedap. Tak blh nk buat apa laa. Tp mkn kat kedai korea lagi sedap. Thanks mamaaa.. She brought us to FULLHOUSE at wangsa walk and belanje makan. The shop is like a house in a restaurant and we could use most of them as prop to take pictures. Woww. incredible la this restaurant. I love it and i want to go again, again and again. Will forever love it as i love CUPBON wangsa walk. Abang bangla tu pon dah kenal aku ngan apeep sbb slalu g.
maa, kita kat korea OKAY :) |
tak reti nk pilih mknan |
Acik blur kejap. tak tau nk pilih ape |
angah pon same jgk. |
ehh ? PARIS ? |
order please :) |
Makanan melayu jugakk ; MEE BANDUNG |
tu spegetti erk ? ingat kan mee goreng |
minim susu botol je la dam oii |
Licik jugak kan |
This what i've told before. Kannn ! |
begayo sakan laa |
Maaa dan angah dan adamm |
Okay, pinjam hp orang pulak |
Adam berat -.-' |
Tp dia nk tido da. ssh nk soh dia snym |
I dah kapel ngan cik tuan puteri ni :P |
gayo siutt |
pliss la firdaus.. tak jadi pon |
berat sgt. I love this one |
so classy and romantic. I love to have dinner here. |
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